- Do not keep cucumbers for tomorrow and do not peel the skin. The skin contains half of the nutrients just like potatoes do. Cucumbers have 70% water that dries if you don't have it fresh.
- Do not drink water while standing. Sit down and drink water in small gulps, not all at a time. Your body can retain it better that way and thus absorb all the nutrients from it.
- Refrigerated water drops down your metabolism significantly and thus makes you fat.
- Never eat fried or oily food on an empty stomach, including pastries, sweets, or chips. Your first meal has to be healthy.
- Fresh fruit juice though is readily absorbed by our body, we miss out on the fiber of the whole fruits that the juicers leave out as pulp and skin of the fruit.
- The pulp and the skin of fruits are important for weight loss because they make us feel full for long and constitute the roughage of our body which is essential for digestion and our bowel system.
- DO NOT. Do not have packaged juices. It does you worse than any better. The sugar in it and also in cold drinks or any readymade drinks for that matter are so so unhealthy.
- The sun can make your pimple marks permanent. So keep out from the sun when you have those acnes.
- You are what you eat. The benefits of face packs are temporary. Take 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel every morning on an empty stomach.
- Cold milk is a natural remedy for acidity. It also prevents dehydration on a hot summer day. Luke's warm milk induces good sleep. Turmeric with milk helps to keep away cold.
- Girls! Don't have caffeinated drinks like coffee or even tea on your periods to avoid painful cramps, instead have green tea.
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