Sunday, 16 February 2025

How to live longer


What will not make you live longer?

If I wanted to shorten my life and only live for a few more years, being as unhealthy as possible, here

 are 8 things I would do.

  1. I would do everything I can to ruin my sleep.
    1. I would sleep late into the day to push my sleep cycle to odd hours and I would have no
    2.  consistency when I go to sleep or wake up. I would drink highly caffeinated and sugary drinks
    3.  late into the evening. I would mix these caffeinated drinks with alcohol as well to further ruin
    4.  my sleep. I would eat junk food and chocolate late at night and go to sleep as full as I could to 
    5. induce heartburn and indigestion. I would use screens and bright lights as I go to bed and 
    6. keep my mind racing as I go to sleep. I would have my pet sleep on my bed.
  2. I would only eat junk food and fast food, overeating calories as much as I possibly could.
    1. I would completely neglect my required macros and essential vitamins and minerals.
    2. I would eat simple sugars and starches with minimal protein for every meal and snack 
    3. constantly I would never drink water and only drink highly caffeinated and sugary drinks
    4. I would eat deep-fried and high-calorie foods for every meal, giving myself no nutrition
    5. I would take no care of my microbiome and avoid eating all vegetables and fruits.
  3. I would sit on my couch, watching brain-rotting TV, Instagram reels, and TikTok Videos, and
  4.  avoid walking and exercise
    1. I would never read a book
    2. I would never walk around my neighborhood
    3. I would never lift weights
    4. I would actively try to keep my brain in as useless of a state as possible. Doing nothing but 
    5. burning energy to rot my brain. I would never stretch and I would allow my joints to become
    6.  stiff and difficult to move I would allow my cardiovascular system to degrade so my heart and
    7.  vascular system becomes damaged and does not pump oxygenated blood through my body
    8.  and brain. This hypoperfusion of oxygen will hopefully cause chronic brain damage and 
    9. increase the risk of strokes and dementia.
  5. I would never brush my teeth or floss
    1. I would do all I could to decay and destroy my teeth
    2. I would allow gingivitis and other bacterial infections to ruin my mouth and teeth.
    3. I would eat and drink acidic foods as much as possible to erode my enamel and induce as 
    4. as many cavities as I could. I would eat candy all the time.
    5. I would never floss or brush my teeth and never visit a dentist
  6. I would actively try to stress myself out about work and politics and things I cannot control
    1. I would never stop working at a super stressful job. Always be available and on call
    2. I would sit constantly and never stand during work.
    3. I would spend hours on the internet arguing about politics and decisions I have no control over.
    4. I would only focus on what other people think of me and not what I think about myself.
  7. I would smoke multiple packs of cigarettes each day and drink as much alcohol as I could.
    1. I would try to avoid breathing in fresh air and only inhale cigarette smoke
    2. I would drink beer and wine and vodka and rum instead of water. Ideally, I would damage my 
    3. liver and not be able to filter my circulatory system.
  8. I would never socialize and completely isolate myself from everyone
    1. I would completely avoid any type of personal or professional relationship
    2. I would never develop any intimate relationships built on trust or love
  9. If these were not working fast enough, I would take copious amounts of hard drugs.

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