Sunday, 3 May 2015

Good Foods for Health

Good Foods for Eye Health

Carrots may be the food best known for helping your eyes. But other foods and their nutrients may be more important for keeping your eyesight keen as you age.
Vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids all play a role in eye health. They can help prevent cataracts and clouding of your eye lens. They may also fight the most likely cause of vision loss   when you're older: age-related macular degeneration 
"It's always best to get the nutrients we know help vision from foods," says Elizabeth J. Johnson, PhD. She's a research scientist and associate professor at Tufts University in Boston. "Foods may contain many other nutrients we aren't aware of that may help, too."
Here are some powerhouse foods for healthy eyes to try.
Spinach and Kale
Antioxidants protect against eye damage from things like sunlight, cigarette smoke, and air pollution. These leafy greens are loaded with two of the best for eyes, lutein and zeaxanthin.
"They get into the lens and retina of your eye, and they are believed to absorb damaging visible light," Johnson says.
Most people are short on these two nutrients, but it's an easy fix.
"Eating a cooked 10-ounce block of frozen spinach over a week will help lower your risk of age-related eye disease," Johnson says. Kale has double these nutrients. Collard greens, broccoli, and bright-colored fruits like kiwis and grapes are ways to get them, too.
Grapefruit, Strawberries, and Brussels Sprouts
Vitamin C is a top antioxidant. These foods are among the top sources of vitamin C. Eat half a grapefruit and a handful of Brussels sprouts or strawberries (one-half cup) a day and you're good to go. Papaya, oranges, and green peppers are other good sources.
Seeds, Nuts, and Wheat Germ

Vitamins C and E work together to keep healthy tissue strong. But most of us don't get as much vitamin E as we should from food. Have a small handful of sunflower seeds, or use a tablespoon of wheat germ oil in your salad dressing for a big boost. Almonds, pecans, and vegetable oils are also good sources.

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