Sunday, 3 May 2015

Eating Problem

Eating Problem #1: Difficulty Chewing

Whether you have ill-fitting dentures or problems with your natural teeth, chewing hard foods may not be as easy as it once was. Meats and raw fruits and vegetables usually pose the most difficulty, but this doesn’t mean you have to give up these foods entirely.
“With just a few changes and a little creativity, most people can continue to eat many of the foods they like,” says Kathleen Zelman, RD. “If apples are a favorite, try making a chunky apple sauce instead of eating them raw. Or incorporate favorite vegetables into soups and casseroles.”
Sons and daughters can help make sure there are attractive, nutritional options available at their parents' fingertips. "As you get older, the less you have to prepare, the more you're going to eat," says Joanne Koenig Coste, a former caregiver to her parents and husband, and national lecturer on family caregiving. "I would prepare soups and stews in advance and freeze them in small portions. Or I'd mix up a smoothie, or frappe, in the blender at my mom's house and leave it in the blender jar in her refrigerator. Then she could just take it out, mix it up, have some, and put it back in the fridge to have more later."
The key is to be creative when thinking about food. “When people are having trouble chewing, they may go to whatever is easiest and quick, such as tea and toast or coffee and doughnuts,” says Carole Palmer, EdD, RD, professor of nutrition and oral health promotion at Tufts Dental School in Boston. “But these choices don’t offer much nutrition. Instead, look at the food groups one by one and find foods you like and can still chew.”
·         If you love meat but steak is out of the question, try having lean hamburger or beef stew instead. Or look for other sources of protein, such as baked or broiled fish. “Fish gives you the added benefit of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health, says Palmer.
·         Eggs are also a good way to get protein. “Eggs are such a versatile food, there are so many ways to have them -- whether just on their own, as part of an omelet, or hard-boiled in a salad,” says Zelman. Eating one egg a day is healthy for most adults as long as you watch your cholesterol from other sources. But if you want more than one, use the whites only.
·         Vegetables can be cooked to make them softer, or cut up and added to soups, stews, and casseroles for easy chewing. Canned or frozen vegetables are another easy-to-chew option. Many soft fruits, such as berries and melons lend themselves to easy chewing. But for even greater ease, you can cut them into in a fruit salad or blend them into a smoothie with a bit of yogurt and juice.
"Mixing Jell-O and yogurt makes a great pudding," Coste says. "Just mix the Jell-O with one cup of water, instead of two, and then stir in a cup of yogurt. It has a stronger taste than either yogurt or Jell-O, and older people like the stronger flavors, especially if their taste is declining."
·         And don’t forget to take advantage of other healthy foods that are naturally easy to chew, such as rice, whole grains, cereals, beans, and pasta. “Try to concentrate on all the wonderful-tasting foods that you can eat, rather than focusing on the few that you can’t,” says Palme

Eating Problem #2: Dry Mouth
dry mouth is another common problem that many of us face as we age. Medications are often the cause of dry mouth, although it can occur for other reasons as well. A dry mouth can contribute to chewing problems, and can also make swallowing difficult. Foods that are dry, such as bread, pasta, crackers, and rice may be the most difficult to eat.
“The solution for eating when you have dry mouth is to find ways to add moisture to food,” says Palmer.
·         Try adding gravy or sauce to foods such as rice or pasta or spread a little cream cheese or peanut butter on bread or crackers, Palmer says. Foods that are more naturally moist, such as soups and casseroles are also good options for people with a dry mouth.
"I'd make a minestrone soup, and then blend it and freeze it with some lemon juice and ice cubes for my mom," Koste says. "She would let it defrost and drink it cool – like a gazpacho in the winter." It's loaded with vegetables and a good option for people with dry mouth or trouble chewing, Koste says.
·         Drinking water, milk, or juice between bites is another way to help keep your mouth moist. But if your appetite isn’t what it once was, take small sips to be sure the liquid doesn’t fill you up instead of the food.
And, if you do have dry mouth, it’s important to pay extra attention to your teeth. “ Saliva helps protect against cavities, so if you have less saliva, you’re at higher risk for dental problems,” says Palmer. She suggests brushing or rinsing after each meal or snack to help keep teeth healthy.
Eating Problem #3: Frequent Upset Stomach
As we age, we may have a harder time digesting certain foods -- and have more problems with indigestion.
“Often, the best way to deal with indigestion is to keep a food diary, so you can find out what foods are giving you problems,” says Zelman.
Some of the most common culprits include:
·         Strong-flavored vegetables, such as onions and peppers
·         Spices such as garlic, chilies, and ginger
·         Fried and fatty foods
·         Caffeine in coffee
·         Alcoho
·         Eating Problem #3: Frequent Upset Stomach continued...
·         Sometimes it’s not any particular type of food, but simply eating too much that causes indigestion.
·         But even if a favorite food or beverage is causing an upset stomach, you may not have to avoid it altogether. Sometimes preparing the food differently, such as cooking onions instead of eating them raw, or having the food at a different time of day can help ease indigestion. If you are sensitive to milk and dairy products, you may be able to eat small amounts of these foods without stomach upset.
·         “Seeing what works best may involve a bit of trial and error,” says Zelman. “Sometimes just putting an extra pillow under your head or raising the top part of your bed a few inches can help too.” Other tips to quell indigestion include having a few saltine crackers or a small piece of bread.
·         If these suggestions don’t provide relief, talk to your doctor about taking an over-the-counter medication. Or ask your doctor about medications for stomach upset.
·         Eating Problem #4: Declining Sense of Taste
·         If you find that food just doesn’t taste as good as it used to, you’re not alone. “Our sense of taste dulls with age,” says Zelman. “And because our sense of smell is also not as sharp, it can mean that food just doesn’t seem to have as much flavor.”
·         Although many people reach for the salt shaker to add more flavor to food, that’s not the best solution. “Most people already have too much sodium in their diet,” says Zelman. “A better choice is to use flavor enhancers to help foods come alive. Try adding flavor with herbs, pepper, spices, vinegar, mustards, lemon juice, or garlic.” Spicing up the flavor of your food will often help increase your enjoyment.
·         Adult children can often reintroduce old favorites to their parents in new, spicier ways. "Many older people's diets -- my parents included -- are really missing greens, except for salad in the summer," Coste says. "Sauté kale or spinach with olive oil and garlic," Coste suggests. "It's got a lot of taste. Serve it when your parent comes over for dinner and then give them some to take home that's ready to microwave.
·         Don’t Give Up
·         If you’ve tried different options and you’re still having problems eating, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your doctor or a registered dietician may be able to offer you additional help for your particular problem or help you come up with an eating plan that works for you.

·         Maintaining a Healthy Appetite

·         Not having an appetite is a frustrating problem for people who are underweight, or losing weight when they don’t want to. You know it's important to eat a variety of foods to maintain your health as you get older, but it's hard to eat when you’re not hungry or food isn't appealing.
·         There are many reasons why you may not be hungry. Lack of appetite could be a side effect of a medication you're taking. Your appetite may be low because you’re feeling depressed or anxious. It could also be that food just doesn't taste good. Or it's too much trouble to cook a meal. No matter what the reason, if you are underweight, increasing your appetite can also improve your health.
·         "Getting adequate nutrition each day can make a difference in how you feel," says Kathleen Zelman, RD, director of nutrition at WebMD. "Eating well also keeps your body and mind strong and healthy."
·         Adult children can play a big role in enhancing nutrition for parents who've lost their appetite and may have lost interest in cooking altogether. "As far as making big meals, seniors have done it," says Joanne Koenig Coste, who was a caregiver to her parents and now works with family caregivers. "They've had their time doing that. It’s our turn now to think of things, small things, that will stimulate their interest in eating."
·         Here are eight ways to help boost your appetite and nutrition.

·         1. Go for Nutrient-Rich Foods

·         "You want to be careful not to fill up on empty calories, such as baked goods, chips, and soda," says Zelman. "As you age, you need fewer calories, but have higher nutritional needs. So the less you’re able to eat, the more nutritionally dense your meals should be." This means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein and limiting foods high in fats and sugars.
·         Many older people resort to eating processed or fast foods because they don't need to prepare it, Coste tells WebMD. Children can help out by preparing and portioning out nutrient-rich foods so that they're ready to eat, microwave, or pop in the toaster oven. This could include snack-size bags of washed berries or nuts, already-chopped vegetables for munching or an easy sauté, or the makings of a salad in a plastic container. And when you make a stew or soup for your dinner, make some extra to bring to them.
·         How much you need to eat in your senior years depends on your activity level and whether you're male or female. Women over age 50 need about 1,600 to 2,200 calories each day while men need about 2,000 to 2,800 calories. Inactive men and women should aim for the lower range of calories, while those who are most active should try to eat the highest amount of calories in that rang
·         2. Have Smaller Meals More Often
·         For many people, having smaller, frequent meals may be more appealing than having three larger meals. Smaller meals may also be easier to prepare.
·         "One idea is to choose a food that you like, and then augment it to make a small meal that’s packed with nutrients," says Carole Palmer, RD, professor of nutrition and oral health promotion at Tufts Dental School in Boston. For example, if you like toast with jelly, add a bit of peanut butter to get some protein. Or if you enjoy tuna fish, try it with a slice of tomato or cheese to get extra vitamins and calcium.
·         "A whole plate of food can be overwhelming," Coste says. "So it's important that family members prepare and package foods in small portions." At her parents' house, Coste would put out bowls of nuts and make "puddings pies" with a filling of yogurt mixed with fruit or Jell-O and sliced in advance. Then she'd follow up with a phone call. "I'd say, 'Mom, I'm having some pudding pie. Why don't you?'"
·         If you find that you're having trouble eating any food, nutrition supplement drinks are another option. Palmer says she always recommends food first, but that these drinks can be a good way to maintain nutrition. "People often like to sip them throughout the day," she says.
·         3. Make Food Appealing
·         If you’re not hungry because food isn't appealing to you, try to find ways to make it more appetizing. "We eat with our eyes,” says Zelman. "So make your plate as appetizing and colorful as possible." Try combining foods of different colors, such as broccoli or red pepper with pasta, or simply by placing a few sprigs of parsley on your plate. Eating foods of various colors also assures that you're getting all of the nutrients you need.
·         Adding variety to your diet can help make meals more exciting too. Trying a new recipe or a new type of food every so often is a good way to pique your interest in eating
·         3. Make Food Appealing continued...
·         If you're preparing food for your parent, adding a touch of sweetness can often make food more appealing because many people develop a sweet tooth in their senior years. Coste suggests putting a bit of fruit preserve on cream cheese and whole grain bread or whipping up a blender drink of lemonade, soda, and a scoop of lemon sherbet. "It's almost like having a cocktail," she says.
·         Your sense of smell also plays a role in appetite. "In some cases, warming food will make it more fragrant, and may make you feel hungrier," says Palmer. "Though for some people, cold food is more appetizing. It’s really up to the individual, so you need to decide what’s most appetizing for you to."
·         Because our sense of smell and taste is often dull with age, you may also find food may not taste as good as it used to. Punching up the flavors can help. Try adding spices or herbs to add to the natural flavors of foods. Other flavor enhancers like vinegar, lemon juice, and mustard can also add a kick. Don't add extra salt -- most people already have too much sodium in their diet.
·         4. Keep It Simple
·         Make mealtime as easy for yourself as possible. "Having a meal doesn’t have to be a big production," says Zelman. "Stock your refrigerator and pantry with foods you enjoy so you always have something on hand." When you cook, make enough for a few days, or trade extras with a friend. It may also be helpful to keep a few of your favorite easy meal ideas in a notebook, so you can look through it when you need a meal in a pinch.
·         5. Don’t Fill Up on Fluids
·         It can be easy to fill up on fluids -- such as water, juice, coffee, or tea -- before you're done eating. If this is the case for you, don't drink until after your meal. "Enjoy your meal first, and then have your coffee, tea, or other beverage," says Palmer. "You want to be sure to get all of the nutrients from your food before having drinks that are not so nutrient-dense."
·         6. Get Some Exercise
·         Sometimes getting a little exercise can increase your appetite. "Just getting outside in the fresh air can often do wonders for your appetite," says Zelman. "Even if all you can manage is a short walk around the block, you may find that it helps." Exercise can also help with digestion.
·         7. Find Company
·         "Some people find that their appetite increases when they share a meal with others,". If you find that you often eat meals alone, look for opportunities to eat with others. You can invite family or friends over for a meal, or go to a senior meal center or other community dinner. Or join a dinner or lunch club, or other social group where people get together for meals.
·         Sons and daughters can play a big part here as well. "Many of the 'well elderly' have lost interest in eating because they're depressed," Coste says. Cooking for your parents can be a chance to provide their diet and taste buds variety and send them home with food, as well as providing company.
·         Of course, there are times when you will eat alone. Try to pamper yourself and make mealtime special. Use a festive tablecloth or light a candle. Turn off the TV and listen to your favorite music instead.
·         8. Know When to Ask for Help
·         "If you’re struggling to get enough nutrition each day, ask for help," says Zelman. Your doctor or a nutritionist may be able to help you find other ways to increase your appetite and meet your nutritional needs

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