Thursday, 6 March 2025

How to manage your pains with natural methods.


 How to manage your pain

Chronic pain can make daily activities difficult. For some, it can make working or providing for yourself difficult. Those who live with chronic pain may want to avoid surgeries or constant prescription medications. Luckily, there are several things you can do to reduce pain naturally. By choosing a natural method, you don’t have risks or side effects that other pain management methods have. Consider a natural method before seeking other lower back pain treatments.

Method 1. You can use Foam Roller

For those with lower back pain, using a foam roller is an affordable alternative to a chiropractor. They cost around £15 and you simply lay your back on it and roll up and down. In doing so, you crack your back and help stretch out your spine. You can do this several times a day for pain relief.

Method 2.Myofascial Releases

Fascia is the sheet of connective tissue that connects the muscles in your body. Stress, injuries, and an inactive lifestyle can cause knots to build up. While cupping and massage can help loosen the knots, a myofascial releaser tool is the best way to treat this. These tools are affordable and physical therapists and chiropractors offer them too.

Method 3. Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are the best medical practitioners to see for all-natural pain management. PTs have extensive training in the muscles, bones, and nerves of the body. They offer trigger point therapy and massages, and they give you stretches for you to do at home. You can see a PT without a doctor’s referral. 

Method 4. Chiropractic

Chiropractic adjustments have shown mixed results in treating chronic pain. However, almost all insurance plans include chiropractic so it’s worth trying it out. Chiropractic adjustments take just a few minutes after your initial consultation and most offices offer flexible scheduling. Most offices also offer other natural pain methods like laser therapy and massages.

Method 5. TENS Unit

A TENS unit began being used for chronic pain in the past few decades. They are commonly found in chiropractic or physical therapy offices. The practitioners place small pads on certain areas of the body and the machine sends small electric pulses to reduce nerve pain. They are commonly used for back pain and pelvic pain as well as sciatica.

Method 6. Turmeric

Turmeric is a supplement that is increasing in popularity for those seeking natural ways to treat pain. Turmeric contains curcuminoids, which have been clinically shown to reduce certain inflammation markers. People take it for arthritis, nerve pain, and even chronic stomach or digestive pain. Finding a good turmeric supplement is easy.

Method 7. Capzasin HP

For those with arthritis or muscle pain, Capzasin HP offers an all-natural way to manage the pain without taking medication. This topical cream can be purchased at most drug and grocery stores. It contains capsaicin, a chili pepper extract, which has been shown to reduce inflammation and nerve pain.

Method 8. Cupping

This ancient Chinese practice is still used today and for many helpful in pain management. It works best for those who have either upper or lower back pain. It involves using suction cups to draw blood forward to promote healing and many people who try it find pain relief. You can have a professional do it for you or buy a home kit.

Method 9. Acupuncture

While science can’t explain why acupuncture works, many claim it helps them manage everything from chronic pain to depression and anxiety. Seeing an acupuncturist can be expensive, but this all-natural method of treating pain is a better alternative to surgeries and prescription medications. You must see a professional for this and it can’t be done at home. 

Method 10. Omega 3 Supplements

For those who want to take a natural supplement to treat chronic pain, consider an Omega 3 supplement. While Omega 3 is essential for our bodies, it also contains DHA and EPA. Both have been shown to reduce inflammatory markers in the blood. These supplements are affordable and considered safe for daily use.

Is Strawberries Ice Cream is it Good for Your Health


Why Strawberries Ice Cream is Good for Your Health

Strawberry ice cream is a classic dessert that’s loved by many. But did you know that strawberries and ice cream can be good for your health? Here are some reasons why:

Reason 1. Nutritional Benefits of Strawberries

Strawberries are a great source of vitamins and minerals. They’re high in vitamin C, which can boost your immune system and help prevent illnesses like the flu. They also contain folate, which is important for pregnant women as it can help prevent birth defects. Additionally, strawberries are a good source of fiber, which can aid in digestion and help regulate blood sugar levels.

Reason 2. The Benefits of Eating Ice Cream

While ice cream may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of healthy foods, it does have some benefits. For example, ice cream contains calcium, which is important for building strong bones and teeth. It also contains protein, which can help repair tissue damage within the body.

Reason 3. Combining the Two

When you combine strawberries and ice cream, you get a delicious dessert that’s packed with nutrition. By using fresh or frozen strawberries in your ice cream recipe, you’re adding even more vitamins and minerals to your diet. Plus, the sweetness of the strawberries can help satisfy your sweet tooth without having to add extra sugar.


While strawberry ice cream can be good for your health in moderation, it’s important to remember that too much of anything isn’t good for you. Ice cream is still high in calories and fat, so it should be consumed as an occasional treat rather than an everyday snack.

In conclusion, strawberry ice cream can be good for your health when eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet. So go ahead and indulge in a scoop or two now and then.

Top ten food to eat after 50


What food is healthy to have after dinner?

Whatever the reason, you're in the kitchen and need something healthy to eat—pronto. These 

good-for-you options are both satisfying and bonus loaded with nutrients that can even help promote


Ideas for Healthy Late-Night Snacks

1. Cereal and Milk

You may reserve cereal for your morning meal. But it also can make a smart midnight snack and help

 you sleep. One study found that eating high-glycemic carbs— which many corn-based cereals 

are —before bed reduced the time it took for people to fall asleep.

Keep portions small (your entire snack should be under 300 calories), especially if you have problems

 with heartburn—heavy meals can exacerbate the problem. One cup of cornflakes has 100 calories, 

and a half-cup of skim milk has 45 calories.

Dairy products contain calcium, a mineral that plays a direct role in the production of the sleep 

hormone melatonin.1 Plus, it also acts as a natural relaxant in the body.

2. A Bowl of Berries

When your sweet tooth needs satisfying, you can't beat a bowl of berries. Besides being loaded with

 fiber, which helps fill you up, berries contain magnesium, a mineral that relaxes nerves and muscles to

 speed slumber.

Serve your berries plain, or add some chopped nuts or granola, or a splash of milk.

3. Peanut Butter and Jelly

Nighttime is the right time for this childhood favorite. Here's why: Certain foods, like peanut butter, 

contain an amino acid called tryptophan that gets converted in the brain to melatonin to promote 


But carbohydrates like bread and jelly are needed to make tryptophan more available to the brain.

 Hence the reason why a PB&J is the perfect pairing for a pre-sleep snack, one that's also yummy and

 if you opt for whole grain bread and sugar-free PB (many brands are loaded with sweetener)

 nutritious, too.

4. Cheese and Crackers

When you're hungry for something savory at night, just say cheese and crackers. Keep an eye on

 your serving sizes if you're watching your weight because cheese can get high in calories and fat if

 you eat big chunks of it.

And opt for whole grain crackers, which contain filling fiber. If you need a little more volume to stay 

sated until morning, add some fresh grapes, apple slices, or fresh veggies.

5. Yogurt and Fruit

Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, which has been linked to better sleep. Just be sure to read

 labels before you purchase it because some varieties are high in added sugar—empty calories that 

you don't need. Opt for plain yogurt and add flavor with berries, chopped nuts, and antioxidant-rich 


How to stay healthy

 What can a man do daily to stay healthy?

I'm a healthy man in his 60’s. I've never smoked and drank moderately. I have a slight tendency to overeat but I'm not fat.

I exercise hard almost every day and have done so all my life. I'm not a natural athlete and avoided sports at school, but I learned that in order to live the healthy life I wanted, I had to overcome my natural sloth.
For decades, I ran daily, year in and year out, come rain or shine. I did a few marathons, but more to be able to say I had done so than because they were fun (which, by the way, they weren't).

Then in my 50’s I started getting injuries so I switched to rowing. I now row 22 times a month for 30 minutes each session. I look at it as a brief and not very pleasant duty in order to stay strong and slim at a time when many of my friends are having medical issues, getting a paunch, and even a stoop.

I’ve had check-ups with the doctor. According to a recent ECG over 24 hours, my resting pulse is 38, which he seemed very happy with. I have no health problems so I take no medication.

I know hard exercise is unpleasant. No one enjoys a serious Concept 2 workout. But I LOVE the benefits. It shouldn't matter what hard exercise you do, but in my experience doing something physically demanding very regularly over the years is a pretty good way of staying healthy for life.

Here are 6 ways to heal it naturally and avoid future health

Your gut is a second brain.

90% of serotonin, the “happy” chemical, is made there.

When you have gut issues, you feel depressed, bloated, and sick.

People think poor gut health only causes bloating or digestion issues.

That’s true, but it also does more:

• It affects your physical health (like your immune system).

• It affects your mental health (like your focus).

Most people follow trendy diets hoping for quick results:

• Bulk/cut

• Carnivore

• Low-carb

But long-term, these diets can harm their digestion and cause bigger problems than just weight gain or loss.

The gut’s job is simple:

• Absorb important nutrients

• Get rid of what you don’t need.

1. Aim for 30 different plants per week.

Eating a variety of plants helps healthy bacteria grow.

• Fruits

• Vegetables

• Legumes

• Grains

• Nut or grain-based milk

• Nuts and seeds.

2. Don’t eat the same food every day.

A healthy gut needs a diverse microbiome, and that comes from variety.

Variety in food options > Consistency.

(This is why modern diets can be harmful.)

3. Eat 30g of fiber daily.

Your body doesn’t absorb fiber—it feeds the good bacteria instead.

Counting fiber intake can be tricky, but here’s an easy way to get enough.

4. Limit red meat.

Many think eating red meat daily is fine, but here’s the truth:

The byproducts from red meat are linked to higher risks of:

• Cardiovascular disease

• Cancer.

5. Skip processed foods.

They’re full of additives and preservatives that harm your health by preventing healthy bacteria from growing.

6. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

That means saying goodbye to diet sodas.

Here’s why:

When you crave something sweet, your body prepares to process sugar. But with artificial sweeteners, no sugar actually comes.

This confuses your body and disrupts your gut health:

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Monday, 24 February 2025

It is the perfect choice for a healthy and active lifestyle.


  1. Do not keep cucumbers for tomorrow and do not peel the skin. The skin contains half of the nutrients just like potatoes do. Cucumbers have 70% water that dries if you don't have it fresh.
  2. Do not drink water while standing. Sit down and drink water in small gulps, not all at a time. Your body can retain it better that way and thus absorb all the nutrients from it.
  3. Refrigerated water drops down your metabolism significantly and thus makes you fat.
  4. Never eat fried or oily food on an empty stomach, including pastries, sweets, or chips. Your first meal has to be healthy.
  5. Fresh fruit juice though is readily absorbed by our body, we miss out on the fiber of the whole fruits that the juicers leave out as pulp and skin of the fruit.
  6. The pulp and the skin of fruits are important for weight loss because they make us feel full for long and constitute the roughage of our body which is essential for digestion and our bowel system.
  7. DO NOT. Do not have packaged juices. It does you worse than any better. The sugar in it and also in cold drinks or any readymade drinks for that matter are so so unhealthy.
  8. The sun can make your pimple marks permanent. So keep out from the sun when you have those acnes.
  9. You are what you eat. The benefits of face packs are temporary. Take 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel every morning on an empty stomach.
  10. Cold milk is a natural remedy for acidity. It also prevents dehydration on a hot summer day. Luke's warm milk induces good sleep. Turmeric with milk helps to keep away cold.
  11. Girls! Don't have caffeinated drinks like coffee or even tea on your periods to avoid painful cramps, instead have green tea.

Top 5 Heart-healthy foods


3 ways to cook for a healthy heart

February is American Heart Month, a time to spread awareness about the risk factors for developing heart disease and how to prevent it. Currently, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. This is why it is important to use this month to share helpful ways to stop more Americans from developing heart disease. 

In terms of strategies to keep your heart healthy, diet and nutrition play a crucial role. Following a healthy diet can help you avoid many risk factors for heart disease like high cholesterol, obesity, and high blood pressure. You will often hear that it is healthier to cook your meals at home rather than eat out, but how you cook your meals at home is also important. 

Here are three tips on heart-healthy cooking. 

1. Swap salt for herbs and spices.

Limiting sodium intake is important when trying to keep your heart healthy. Generally, it is recommended to keep your daily sodium intake below 2,300 milligrams. For reference, this is about 1 teaspoon of salt. Luckily, there are plenty of other ways to add flavor to your meals without adding salt. Herbs such as oregano, basil, rosemary, and dill make great additions to any dish. Spices like garlic powder, cumin, paprika, and cinnamon also make excellent salt substitutes. There are also salt-free seasoning mixes that are available in most grocery stores. Tip: Try swapping the salt shaker on your dining room table for a shaker filled with your favorite spice.

2. Beware of your cooking base.

Sautéing, air frying, and roasting your meats or veggies are great alternatives to frying, but what you cook your food in could make or break your meal. Olive oil, avocado oil, and sesame oil are rich in monounsaturated fats, which can help improve cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation. Butter and palm oil contain saturated fats, which can negatively impact your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of developing heart disease. Therefore, it is best to use oils with monounsaturated fats for a healthy heart — keep this in mind next time you make your next dish.

3. Substitute your sugar for fruit.

We all love our sweets, but eating too much-added sugar can lead to high blood pressure and inflammation. However, following a heart-healthy diet doesn't mean eliminating all sweet foods. When indulging in a sweet treat, try subbing a portion or all of the sugar in the recipe for fruit. Fruits like bananas, apples, dates, and prunes can be mashed or blended with water and used as a natural sweetener. A general rule of thumb is to substitute half the amount of sugar in a recipe with fruit puree. Fruit purees work best in dense baked goods like quick bread, muffins, pancakes, cakes, and brownies. So enjoy those baked goods, but make them better for your heart.

Cooking for a healthy heart doesn't have to be a challenge. These simple adjustments can have a significant impact.

Start prioritizing your heart health in the kitchen this February. 

The simple secret of being happier.


What type of exercise is best for living a happier life?

Exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, and certain types of exercise are 

particularly effective in promoting happiness and well-being. Here are some types of exercise that are

 great for living a happier life:

1. Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, is excellent for boosting mood and reducing stress. It increases 

the production of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.

  • Examples: Running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, dancing
  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, reduces anxiety and depression, and 
  • enhances overall energy levels

2. Strength Training

Strength training has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

It can also boost self-esteem by improving body composition and strength.

  • Examples: Weightlifting, resistance band exercises, bodyweight exercises (e.g., push-ups, squats)
  • Benefits: Increases muscle strength and endurance, improves bone health, enhances self-esteem,
  •  and reduces symptoms of depression

3. Yoga

Yoga combines physical activity with mindfulness and relaxation techniques, making it highly effective 

for reducing stress and promoting mental clarity.

  • Examples: Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga, Power yoga
  • Benefits: Reduces stress, improves flexibility and balance, enhances mindfulness, promotes
  •  relaxation, and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression

4. Mindfulness-Based Exercises

Exercises that incorporate mindfulness can help improve mental well-being by promoting relaxation 

and reducing stress.

  • Examples: Tai Chi, Qigong, Pilates
  • Benefits: Enhances relaxation, reduces stress, improves mental focus, and promotes overall 
  • well-being

5. Group Activities

Participating in group exercise can provide social interaction, which is beneficial for mental health and 

can make exercise more enjoyable.

  • Examples: Group fitness classes (e.g., Zumba, spinning, boot camps), team sports
  •  (e.g., soccer, basketball)
  • Benefits: Provides social interaction, boosts motivation, reduces feelings of loneliness, and
  •  promotes a sense of community

6. Outdoor Activities

Exercising outdoors can enhance the benefits of physical activity by providing exposure to nature, 

which has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress.

  • Examples: Hiking, walking or running in parks, outdoor cycling, kayaking
  • Benefits: Provides fresh air and vitamin D from sunlight, enhances mood, reduces stress, and 
  • promotes a connection with nature

Tips for Maximizing Happiness through Exercise

  1. Find What You Enjoy: Choose activities that you genuinely enjoy to make exercise feel less like a
  2.  chore and more like a fun activity.
  3. Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals to keep yourself motivated and to experience a sense of
  4.  accomplishment.
  5. Stay Consistent: Regular exercise is key to reaping the mental health benefits. Aim for at least 
  6. 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity
  7.  per week.
  8. Combine Different Types: Mixing different types of exercise can keep your routine interesting 
  9. and address various aspects of fitness and well-being.
  10. Include Rest Days: Allow your body to recover with rest days to prevent burnout and overtraining.


While various types of exercise can contribute to a happier life, the best exercise is one that you enjoy 

and can stick with it consistently. Combining aerobic exercises, strength training, yoga,

 mindfulness-based activities, group activities, and outdoor activities can provide a comprehensive 

approach to physical and mental well-being, helping you lead a happier and healthier life.

Click here to find the secret.