Saturday, 14 June 2014

10 Secrets To Success and Inner Peace

10 Secrets To Success and Inner Peace

1. Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to
nothing. Progress is impossible if you always do things the
way you’ve always done them. Be open-minded and detached.

2. Every day give love, kindness, peace, joy...
Give that away and you’ll get it back.
Most people live a 'gimme gimme gimme' kind of life,
instead of asking themselves how can I serve?

3. There are no justified resentments
Blame has to go. Send love in response to hate.

4. Don’t die with the music still in you
Allow yourself to express yourself freely and creatively.

5. Embrace silence and meditate
Make conscious contact with source.
Go to the wilderness. Commune with nature.
Feel connected.

6. Give up your personal story
It's time to move on from the 'story' you've kept
telling yourself about why your life is not working...

7. You can’t solve a problem with the same mind
that created it. Change Your Thoughts... And You
Change Your Life.

8. Treat yourself as if you already are what you
would like to become

9. Treasure your divinity

10. Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts which weaken you.
Change Your Thoughts. Focus on positive things.

Focus on Love.

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